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Top Tips to Help If You Worry What Others Think Of You

It's only natural to want to fit in and be liked by your peers, but it can be stressful if it's something that worries you a lot! But guess what? You are awesome just the way you are! Here are some tips to help you be the coolest version of yourself:

1. Own it! You're unique. Don't try to fit into somebody else's idea of who you should be. Be your own person and show off your individuality.

2. Rock your strengths! Instead of worrying about what other people think, focus on your awesomeness. Celebrate your successes and the things you like about yourself. You're a superstar!

3. Practice self-care. Eating healthy, working out and taking care of your health will help you feel like the boss that you are.

4. Surround yourself with other cool people! Surround yourself with people who are supportive and who appreciate you for who you are. You're the captain of your own squad!

5. Remember that EVERYONE has insecurities! Don't sweat it! Even the people that look super confident worry about what others think. It's totally normal.

6. If you're struggling, don't be afraid to ask for help. Talking to someone you trust, like a friend or family member, or a professional can help you feel more confident. Remember, being cool means being true to yourself and not giving a damn what anyone else thinks! You got this!

Dr. Sandra Garrido, PhD

Western Sydney University


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