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The Cycle of Depression

Depression is a tough mental health condition that affects even the coolest of us, including teens. It's not just feeling down, its a complex vibe that can mess with every part of your life from your thoughts and emotions to your physical health and relationships.

The cycle of depression can be a real bummer and hard to bounce back from. It usually starts with a feeling of sadness or hopelessness that can be triggered by a variety of factors, like stress, trauma or hormones. This leads to negative thoughts and beliefs about yourself and the world, making you feel low, irritable and out of sync.

The more this cycle continues, the more you may start to feel distant from your friends, lose interest in the things you love, and experience physical symptoms like exhaustion and lack of sleep. This can make you feel even more on your own, adding to the depression.

But breaking the cycle of depression is possible. You can start by talking to someone you trust, whether it's your squad, family, or a mental health professional. There are also many treatments available that can help you handle symptoms and break free from the cycle of depression. Remember, you're not alone in this, and it's cool to seek support.

Dr. Sandra Garrido, PhD

Western Sydney University


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