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What Is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a normal human emotion that most of us experience from time to time. It's that feeling of worry or fear that we get when we're facing something challenging like taking an important exam or speaking in front of a large audience.


Symptoms of anxiety can include physical symptoms like a rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, or feeling like you can't catch your breath. You might even feel restless, irritable or have negative thoughts you can't control.

For some people, anxiety can become more persistent, an overwhelming feeling that makes it difficult for them to do the things they need to do every day. This is called an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders can be  caused by a combination of genetic, environmental and psychological factors. It's important to remember that having an anxiety disorder is not a sign of weakness or failure. It's a real medical condition that affects millions of people worldwide.

If you're experiencing symptoms of anxiety, it might help to talk to someone you trust like a parent, teacher or healthcare professional. There are also effective treatments available and things you can do yourself to help manage your symptoms. With the right help, anxiety doesn't have to dominate your life. 

Dr. Sandra Garrido, PhD

Western Sydney University


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