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Five Ways to Manage Conflict With Peers

Conflicts with friends and other peers are a natural part of navigating the social world during your teen years. Here are some tips on how to handle them:

1. Speak up: Be confident in expressing yourself and speak openly and honestly. Avoid any hostile language, but let them know how you feel.

2. Listen up: Active listening shows that you're respectful and can help you understand your peer's point of view better. This will also show that you're a great listener and a trustworthy friend.

3. Brainstorm solutions: Collaborate and come up with a resolution that benefits both of you. Be flexible and open to compromise.

4. Be empathetic: Try to understand where the other person is coming from, and this will show you are empathetic and understanding.

5. Seek help: If the conflict seems unresolvable, don't hesitate to reach out to a trusted adult for help. Asking for help is a sign of maturity and strength!

Remember, conflicts can be an opportunity to learn and grow as a person. Handling them with confidence, respect, and empathy can make you a cool, collected person who handles conflict like a pro!

Dr. Sandra Garrido, PhD

Western Sydney University


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