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Four Tips for Looking After Your Wellbeing While Using Social Media

We all know how awesome it is to stay connected with our freinds and explore new opportunities through our favourite apps! But just like everything else, too much of a good thing can have a negative effects. So how can we use social media in a cool and healthy way?

1. First, let's set some boundaries. We know social media can be addictive, so set time limits and take regular breaks. Its' easy to get get sucked into the vortex of endless scrolling, but spending too much time on social media can take you away from things that are important for your wellbeing like sleep, healthy food, staying active and spending face-to-face time with people you care about!

2. Second, be mindful of who you follow. Choose people who inspire and motivate you, who share honest, but positive and uplifting content! Reflect on how you feel after reading particular types of posts or watching certain videos. What kind of content made you feel good? 

3. Let's be intentional about what we post! Before hitting that "share" button, let's make sure our posts won't harm ourselves or others. We want to promote a culture of kindness and positivity, so always take some time to think twice before posting or commenting on other people's posts!

4. Use social media for good! We can use social media platforms to make a difference, by raising awareness of importance issues or promoting a cause we're passionate about.

So, fellow scrollers, let's use social media in a way that's not only cool, but also good for our mental and physical well-being!

Dr. Sandra Garrido , PhD

Western Sydney University


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