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Image by Codioful (Formerly Gradienta)

What Is Perfectionism?

Wouldn't it be great if we never made any mistakes and always did everything perfectly? The truth is, none of us is perfect, but perfectionism can make us push ourselves to try to do everything flawlessly. It might seem like a positive thing, but actually perfectionism can cause a lot of stress and pressure. Sometimes we might set unrealistic standards for ourselves and then become obsessed with getting every tiny detail perfect, leading to feelings of dissatisfaction and self-doubt if things don't go the way we'd hoped.

Perfectionism can lead to a range of negative feelings like anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and burnout. It can also make us feel afraid to take risks, be creative and learn from mistakes!

However, there are ways to avoid falling into the trap of perfectionism. Perfectionists tend to be self-critical and judgemental. We can start by being kind and compassionate to ourselves and recognising that everyone makes mistakes, and that's okay.


While it's great to work hard and have a good work ethic, you could also try challenging the standards you hold yourself to: how realistic are they? What would happen if you didn't get it perfect? Also try getting the perspective of someone else. Maybe what you're trying to do is already good enough?

Lastly, it can be helpful to focus on the process rather than the outcome. Embrace the learning process and the journey itself, enjoy the present moment and celebrate your progress. You can find a balance between striving for excellence and being kind to yourself along the way!

Dr. Sandra Garrido, PhD

Western Sydney University


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