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When You Don't Feel Like Doing Anything

It's normal to have days where you feel low and lack motivation to do anything. Sometimes this is a sign you need some time to chill out and get some rest. However, if that seems to be going on for a while it might be a sign you need to take steps to break out of a cycle of negative emotions.

One effective approach is known as behavioural activation, which means engaging in activities that bring you pleasure or a sense of accomplishment, even when you don't feel like doing them.

Sometimes people find it difficult to think of things that they'd enjoy at the time, so start with things that you used to find enjoyable!

Start small, with simple, manageable activities that you can do on regularly, such as going for a walk or calling a friend or listening to your Feel Better playlist on MoodyTunes for 15 mins. Plan these things into your week so you know when you want to do them and with whom.

You might not feel like it, but give it a go and see how it helps. Keep track of your progress and how you're feeling before and after each activity, such as by using the Dig Deeper function in MoodyTunes to record how particular songs make you feel. This can help you to see the positive impact that listening to music and engaging in other activities can have on your mood.

If you encounter other barriers like feeling guilty or lacking motivation, try reaching out to a psychologist or counsellor or another trusted person in your support system to discuss these feelings. Over time, engaging in activities can help to build momentum and increase motivation! As you start to feel better, you can gradually increase the frequency and intensity of the activities you engage in.

So now you know this - what small activities could you plan into your week?

Dr. Fran Doyle (PhD), Clinical Psychologist

Western Sydney University


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