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Top Tips for Managing Automatic Negative Thoughts


Have you ever found yourself caught up in a cycle of negative thinking? Maybe you're feeling down and that voice in your head starts to say things like, "I'm such a failure", or "Nobody really cares about me". These are examples of automatic negative thoughts. They can be triggered by events, emotions, or just our general state of mind. Sometimes, they can become so ingrained that we don't even realise we're having them!

The problem with automatic negative thoughts is, they are not always based on reality and they can reinforce negative emotions and lead to a downward spiral of low mood, anxiety and self-doubt.


Fortunately, there are ways to change these automatic thought patterns! Here are two great ways to manage automatic negative thoughts:

1. Notice when you're having an automatic negative thought and try to counter it with a different perspective. For example, if you're thinking, "I'm such a failure", you might challenge that thought by reminding yourself of times when you succeeded or accomplished something important.

2. Mindfulness, or staying focused on the present moment, is a great way to avoid getting caught up in negative thoughts about the past or future. You can practice this in lots of ways, perhaps by trying to find some music that helps!

By learning to recognise and challenge negative thoughts, you can start to influence your thinking and improve your mood!

Dr. Fran Doyle (PhD), Clinical Psychologist

Western Sydney University


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