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What Are the Benefits of Tracking My Mood?

Keeping track of your mood can be super helpful. It can help you figure out what's making you feel good or bad, and maybe even help you make changes to feel better.

By keeping a record of your moods over time, you may begin to notice certain situations or circumstances that consistently lead to positive or negative emotions. For example, you might notice that you tend to feel more anxious on days when you have a lot of homework or other work to do, but that you feel awesome on days when you get a good night's sleep or hang out with a particular friend.


Once you've identified these patterns, you can be prepared and take steps to make sure you do things to help you cope with the more difficult days and to minimise the number of difficult days.

Tracking your mood can also be a useful tool for setting and achieving personal goals. By regularly checking in with yourself about how you are feeling, you can identify areas of your life that may need attention or improvement. For example, if you notice that you consistently feel stressed after a big test, you may want to explore ways to reduce stress leading up to exams, or find strategies for relaxing afterwards.

Another benefit of mood tracking is that it can help you to better understand and manage your mental health. If you struggle with conditions like depression or anxiety, keeping track of your moods can help you monitor your symptoms, which can be especially valuable if you are working with a mental health professional.

So, if you're looking to boost your emotional well-being, consider giving mood tracking a try! Doing your daily mood check-in on MoodyTunes is a great way to start doing this! You might be surprised at how much it can help.

Dr. Fran Doyle (PhD), Clinical Psychologist

Western Sydney University



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