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What Kind of Music Can Help Me to Sleep?

Music has been shown to have a beneficial effect on sleep, as it can help relax both the body and the mind.  Several genres of music are commonly used for sleep, including classical music, world music, ambient music, and meditation music. Some artists have even composed music specifically designed for sleep, such as Max Richter’s “Sleep”. Spotify also has specific playlists for sleep. However, the type of music that might help you can differ from what helps another person, since we all have our own unique preferences and relationships with music.


So here are some tips to help you create your own playlist for better sleep:


  1. Choose calming music: While this may not be true for everyone, in general music that has a slow tempo and soft melody is best. Avoid songs that trigger strong emotions and memories

  2. Set the volume and duration: Adjust the volume to a comfortable level that is gentle enough to lull you into a state of relaxation. Consider setting a timer so that the music doesn’t continue playing all night and end up disturbing your sleep.

  3. Establish a bedtime routine: Incorporating music into a relaxing pre-bedtime routine can help create a connection between the music and a state of relaxation that will start to make your mind relax almost immediately as you continue to use it. Listen to the same relaxing music every night around the same time for at least 3 weeks to start building this association in your brain.

  4. Combine the music with mindfulness techniques: As you listen to the music, focus on deep breathing and consciously relax your muscles. This will help enhance the calming effect of the music!


Remember that music preferences are a personal thing, so feel free to explore different genres and experiment with different songs and artists to find what works best for you.


Dr. Thomas Dickson (PhD, founder of the Can't Sleep App)


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