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What's the Difference Between Depression & Sadness?

Thinking Man on Couch

Feeling sad is a normal part of being human. It's like our body's way of telling us that something's not right in our life and we need to make some changes. When we feel sad we might feel motivated to do things that help, like talking to someone that cares about us, or doing something we enjoy. Or sometimes we sit down, have a good cry, and think about how we can fix or change the things that aren't going so well. These are all healthy and natural ways to deal with challenges in our lives.

But if your sadness lasts for more than two weeks, it might be a sign of something more serious, like depression. Depression can make it hard to feel  motivated and sometimes we end up doing things that don't really help like eating junk food or gaming all night. 

There are other symptoms that can help you tell the difference between sadness and depression too, such as sleeping or eating more or less than usual, difficulty concentrating and losing interest in things you usually enjoy. You might even feel that life is not worth living any more.

If you think you might be experiencing depression, it's not your fault, and there are things that can help. Read some of our other resources about how diet, exercise, and music can help. But most importantly, reach out for help - talk to a friend, a family member or other trusted adult, a doctor or counsellor. And always remember that feelings come and go. Depression is not permanent and with the right support you can feel better again.

Dr. Sandra Garrido
Western Sydney University


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