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Image by Mohammad Alizade

How Are Thoughts & Feelings Connected?

Did you know that your thoughts can have a major impact on your emotions? That's right, your mindset and beliefs can shape how you feel about yourself, others, and the world around you!

Think about it: when you have a negative thought, like "I'll never be good enough", it can make you feel sad, anxious or discouraged. On the other hand, when you have a positive thought like, "I can handle whatever comes my way", it can make you feel confident, motivated and empowered.

But here's the cool part: you have the power to choose your thoughts and influence your emotions! By practicing positive self-talk and challenging negative beliefs, you can shift your mindset and improve your mood!

One way to do this is to identify negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. For instance, if you catch yourself thinking, "I'm a failure", you can reframe that as "I may have failed at this task, but that doesn't define me as a person". By focusing on your strengths and potential, you can boost your self-esteem and feel more optimistic about the future!

Another way to influence your emotions is to practice mindfulness and self-awareness. By tuning into your thoughts and emotions in the present moment, you can learn to observe them without judgement and respond to things in a positive way.


So go ahead and harness the power of your thoughts to create a more positive and fulfilling life!

Dr. Sandra Garrido, PhD

Western Sydney University


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