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Three Tips for Using Music to Get Motivated

Do you ever struggle to get motivated to do something? Whether it's studying for a test, cleaning your room, or working on a project, finding the motivation to get started can be tough. But did you know that music can be a great way to get motivated and energised?

Here are our top 3 tips for using music to get motivated:


1. Create a playlist of upbeat, high-energy songs that get you pumped up and ready to go. When you listen to music like this your physiological systems like your breathing and heart rate tend to speed up and synchronise with the beat giving you a natural energy boost! Whether you're into hip hop, pop or rock, find the songs that make you feel good and make yourself a Motivation playlist!

2. Listen to instrumental music while you study. Research has shown that listening to instrumental music that you like can be less distracting than listening to music with words. For some people it can improve concentration and focus, making it easier to get work done.

3. Use music as a reward for when you accomplish a task. For example, you could set a goal to work for 30 minutes and then reward yourself with your favourite song or playlist!

So, the next time you're feeling unmotivated, give music a try! It might be just the boost you need to get started and stay focused.

Dr. Fran Doyle (PhD), Clinical Psychologist

Western Sydney University


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