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How Does Music Help?

In the days of our ancestors being able to react quickly to sounds was key to survival. If you heard the growl of a sabre-toothed tiger you had to be ready to fight or take off like lightening. That's why humans have in-built responses to sound that make us react to music in particular ways. When we hear music that's loud and fast our heart-rate and breathing speed up which can make us feel pumped up or jittery. But if we hear music that's slow and quiet, our bodies tend to chill out and we feel more relaxed, or sometimes even a little bit down.

But it's not just our bodies that respond to music, our brains do too! The lyrics, the artist, and even memories have have about a certain song can all influence how we feel when we hear it. 

So how can you choose music to support your moods? Think about how you're feeling right now and how you want to feel. If you're feeling anxious, listening to something that helps slow your heart-rate and breathing can be super helpful. If you need a boost, you might want to listen to something a more up-beat that makes you feel empowered. If you're feeling sad some people like to listen to sad music to get their feelings out, to feel less alone with their problems, or to reflect on what they're going through. Just be careful not to choose something that's going to make you feel worse!

Everyone is different, so it's up to you to find the songs that help you the most. MoodyTunes is designed to help you do just that. Keep reflecting on how certain songs make you feel, and dig deeper into the thoughts and feelings behind your response to learn more about what works for you.

Dr. Sandra Garrido,

Western Sydney University



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