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Turn up the volume. Lift your spirits.

MoodyTunes is a smartphone app for mental health designed by young people, for young people.

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A girls listening to music by headphone

A Smartphone App for Managing
Your Moods

MoodyTunes is based on more than 10 years of research at Western Sydney University in collaboration with partners including the Black Dog Institute and  the NSW Mental Health Commission. We started by working with hundreds of young people to find out what music listening strategies work best when they are experiencing depression and anxiety or just a low mood. Then we sat down with more young people as well as mental health professionals to develop MoodyTunes - a way for you to use music to help improve your mood and wellbeing.


Music is one of the key things that people turn to when in a low mood. MoodyTunes helps you identify which songs help you feel better as you listen to the music you love in Spotify. Track this over time, create "Feel Better" playlists and find out more about the thoughts and feelings behind your response to music that could be influencing your mental health. Watch the video below to find out more about how to use MoodyTunes or check out what else MoodyTunes can do for you!

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©2023 by MoodyTunes

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